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At last, we can begin the fun part of how to start blogging!

Every best blog site follows a few basic principles.

Steps for a successful blog.

  1. Correct Blog Setup
  2. Rich Content.
  3.  Promotion.
How to start blogging

1). Correct Blog Setup

In the previous tutorial steps, I explained how to set up your blog in a proper manner (go back to Step 1 if you have not). Like I mentioned in the previous tutorials, there are many tweaks and changes you will keep making to keep your blog fresh. If you have read through the previous steps in this tutorial, you will know how to create a blog by yourself.

You need to understand that having the best content for your blog is not all that makes a good blogger. You need to also read the blogs of other successful bloggers to keep abreast with the recent developments in the world of blogging and also get new ideas for your own blog. You may see a new plug-in that you like for your blog. You may also ask the blogger to tell you more about the plug-in. This will enable you improve on your blog and also help you establish and maintain relationships with other bloggers.

Needless to say that the steps I have shared with you are sufficient enough for starting a blog; it’s okay to make more changes to your blog in the future; but erase the mindset that you need to have it perfect before you set out, this is because you will always have the need to make changes to your blog.

ultimate guide

2). Rich Content.

The heart and soul of every popular blog lies in having a great content. Your blog will not be successful if no one is interested in what you write about. One sure way of writing content people will be interested in reading is to answer a question which you are likely to ask yourself. Chances are that if such questions spring up in your mind, others will probably have such questions too. Obviously, you will have to do some research to find solutions to such questions. This will make your content more valuable and people will continue to read your post and share with others.

You need to know that having a good content also includes videos, images, various fonts and colors which make your content eye-catchy and interesting. Blogs need more than just writings to make readers read your post.

3). Promotion.

The quality of your post and blog setup is still not enough to guarantee steady traffic to your blog. This is the reason why you have to promote your blog if you want to experience success with your blog.

In the next article we shall be considering the different ways in which you can promote your blog to make the world see and appreciate all you have put in to make a success of your blog.

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